Enter Sasha Yung Ass Munching Asian Sensation
10 years agoEnter Sasha Yung Ass Munching Asian Sensation
10 years ago
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Your Mom Tossed My Salad
Sasha Yung
Petite, Asian fireworks, Sasha Yung just can't for the life of her stop thinking about her step-dad's toned butt! If given the chance, Sasha would gladly polish Lee Stone's crack STAT! She jots all her private ass-licking fantasies down on her laptop and all is well, until Lee reads it! Before he can protest, Sasha snuggles up against him and that's about all the asian persuasion Lee or any other red-blooded male needs. Soon enough, Sasha's teen tongue is buried in Lee's ass, licking gleefully. Once he starts pumping that tiny pussy with his outrageously long cockus erectus, Sasha, the lovable ass-muncher, screams and moans like a whore overdue! (18+)
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